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MSF for CMMI 的缺陷管理流程


A bug is a work item that communicates that a potential problem exists or has existed in the product. The goal of opening a bug is to accurately report a problem in a way that allows the reader to understand its full impact. The descriptions in the bug work item should make it easy to trace through the steps used when the bug was encountered, thus allowing it to be easily reproduced. The test results should clearly show the problem. The clarity and understandability of this description often affects the probability that the bug will be fixed.

NewAs bugs are detected in the product, they must be documented as quickly as possible so that developers can resolve them. Before opening a bug work item, you should query existing bugs to be sure the bug you discovered is not already reported.
New to Proposed
Build Failure
A bug is proposed as Build Failure as a direct result of a build failure.
A bug is proposed as a new bug when it is first created. Create all bugs with a reason of New, unless the bug is due to a build failure.
ProposedA proposed bug is waiting for approval. Proposed bugs are triaged and either approved to become Active, or closed. A proposed bug is closed if it is Deferred, Rejected, or found to be a Duplicate of another bug.
Proposed to Active
A bug is activated as Approved if triage determines that the bug should be fixed.
A bug is activated as Investigate if triage determines that an investigation of the impact is necessary before approval to fix is given. Bugs marked Active for investigation should be returned to the Proposed state when the investigation is complete.
Proposed to Closed
A bug is closed as Rejected if triage determines that the bug is not applicable. A bug may be rejected because it does not include enough information, or because it is based on incorrect assumptions.
A bug is closed as Deferred if it will not be fixed in the current iteration. It will be postponed until it can be reevaluated in a future iteration or version of the product.
A bug is closed as a Duplicate if it describes the same problem as another bug. Include a link to the duplicate bug to make it easier for the author of the bug to confirm the duplication before closing the bug.
ActiveAn active bug indicates that a problem exists that must be addressed.
Active to Resolved
A bug is resolved as Fixed when the changed code is checked in. Link the bug to the changeset when the fix is checked in.
As Designed
A bug is resolved to As Designed if the bug describes an expected condition or behavior of the system.
Active to Closed
A bug is resolved as Deferred if it will not be fixed in the current iteration. It will be postponed until it can be reevaluated in a future iteration or version of the product.
A bug is resolved as a Duplicate if it describes the same problem as another bug. Include a link to the duplicate bug to make it easier for the author of the bug to confirm the duplication before closing the bug.
Not a Bug
A bug is resolved as Not a Bug if the problem is not really a defect in the product. For example, the bug identifies a missing feature; however the feature is already a pending development task.
Cannot Reproduce
A bug is resolved as Cannot Reproduce if the developer is unable to reproduce the bug on his or her computer.
Active to Proposed
Investigation Complete
If a bug has been activated for investigation, it should be returned to the Proposed state for re-triage once the investigation is complete.
ResolvedA bug is in the Resolved state when it has been addressed by a developer. The resolution of the bug must be verified by the author. If the resolution is correct, the bug is closed, otherwise it is reactivated.
Resolved to Closed
A bug is closed as Fixed when the author of the bug has verified that the fix is in place in a build.
Resolved to Active
Not Fixed
A bug is returned to the Active state if the resolution is unacceptable. Provide specific information about why the bug is not fixed to assist the next person who owns the bug in resolving the bug appropriately.
ClosedA closed bug means that no further work is to be done for the current product version. A bug is closed after the resolution has been verified.
Closed to Active
If a regression test indicates that the bug exists again, then activate the bug and assign it to triage. Set the Reason field to Regression.
Closed in Error
A bug is reactivated if a mistake was made and it should not have been closed yet

[ 本帖最后由 饺子 于 2008-4-12 21:39 编辑 ]

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