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[译文] 【连载】CB Predictor操作手册(Crystal Ball Predictor 水晶球预测)

Based on the results, you complete your memo to upper management. Current strategies seem to be working so you recommend funding another project instead.


图1.8.png (66.22 KB, 下载次数: 38)

Figure 1.8 Analysis memo

Figure 1.8 Analysis memo
以上是用CB Predictor进行一个简单的销售量的预测,明天会将CB Predictor如何进行工作的相关内容与大家分享
How CB Predictor works CB Predictor如何工作?

Most historical or time-based data contain some kind of underlying trend or seasonal pattern. However, most historical data also contain random fluctuations — “noise”— that make it difficult to detect these trends and patterns without using a computer. CB Predictor uses sophisticated time-series methods to analyze the underlying structure of your data. It then projects the trends and patterns to predict future values.
大部分的历史或时间基础的数据都包含了相关的趋势和周期性,但是有些历史数据也是随机的,如果不借助电脑很难找到它的趋势性,CB Predictor使用时间序列趋势的图表方法对数据的结构进行分析,从而得到预测值的趋势和模型。

When you run CB Predictor, it tries each time-series method on your data and calculates a mathematical measure of goodness-of-fit. CB Predictor selects the method with the best goodness-of-fit as the method that will yield the most accurate forecast. CB Predictor performs this selection automatically for you, but you can also select individual methods manually or override the method CB Predictor recommends with a different one.
当你运行CB Predictor,它对历史数据运用各种时间序列的方法进行计算,得到一个最佳的数学度量。CB Predictor选择最佳的方法从而得到最精确的预测值,CB Predictor将为你自动选择最佳的方法,当然你可以根据自己的要求在方法图表中选择其他的。

The final forecast shows the most likely continuation of your data. Keep in mind that all these methods assume that some aspects of the historical trend or pattern will continue into the future. However, the farther out you forecast, the higher the likelihood that events will diverge from past behavior, and the less confident you can be of the results. To help you gauge the reliability of your forecast, CB Predictor provides a confidence interval indicating the degree of uncertainty around your forecast.
在你的数据上显示了最有可能的预测值,要记住,这些方法都是假定历史数据的趋势和结构将会延续到将来。但是,预测的值的时间越长,就会越有可能偏离以前的行为,预测的可信性也就越低。为了保证预测值的可靠性,CB Predictor提供了一个置信区间,通过这个置信区间来表示预测值的不可信度。

The final step of forecasting involves interpreting the results and integrating them into your decision-making process. CB Predictor provides comprehensive output to assist you in this process. You can request detailed reports, customizable Excel charts and graphs, and summary PivotTables. CB Predictor can also automatically create Crystal Ball assumptions for each forecasted value, letting you integrate risk analysis into the process.
在预测最后一步是解释结果,并将结果整合到您的决策过程中。文件提供全面的销售量预估,可以帮助您完成这一过程。您可以要求得出详细的报告,可定制的Excel图表和图表,数据透视表和汇总。CB Predictor还可以自动为每个水晶球预测值进行假设,帮你将入风险分析也考虑进来。

本帖最后由 lanj 于 2009-12-4 09:09 编辑

Toledo Gas tutorial托莱多燃气公司案例

Suppose you work for Toledo Gas Company in the Residential Division. The Public Utilities Commission requires you to predict the gas usage for the coming year to make sure that the company can meet the demand.

To start the tutorial: 案例开始:

1.In Excel with Crystal Ball loaded, open the Toledo Gas spreadsheet, Toledo Gas.xls.
To find this example, select Help > Crystal Ball > Crystal Ball Examples and locate it in the list of CB Predictor examples, or browse to its folder. By default, the file is stored in this folder:
C:\Program Files\Decisioneering\Crystal Ball 7\Examples\CB Predictor Examples.
1、打开托莱多天然气电子表格,默认的存放位置是:C:\ProgramFiles\Decisioneering\Crystal Ball 7\Examples\CB Predictor Examples.

When you double-click the link or the file, the Toledo Gas spreadsheet appears in Excel.


图1.9.png (167.57 KB, 下载次数: 48)

Figure 1.9 Toledo Gas spreadsheet

Figure 1.9 Toledo Gas spreadsheet
2.Select cell C5.

3.Choose Run > CB Predictor.
The Input Data tab appears. CB Predictor’s Intelligent Input feature selects all the data from cell B4 to cell F100.
3、选择Run>CB Predictor
输入数据的表格出现,CB Predictor自动输入所有的数据,从B4:F100。


图1.10.png (193.5 KB, 下载次数: 49)

Figure 1.10 Input Data tab for Toledo Gas model

Figure 1.10 Input Data tab for Toledo Gas model
本帖最后由 lanj 于 2009-12-7 09:33 编辑

4.Click Next.
The Data Attributes tab appears

5.Confirm that in Step 4, settings are “Data is in months with seasonality of 12 months.”



图1.11.png (88.9 KB, 下载次数: 41)

Figure 1.11 Data Attributes tab

Figure 1.11 Data Attributes tab
Using regression使用回归
Through research, you know that your residential gas usage is primarily affected by three variables: new home starts, the temperature, and the price of natural gas. However, you aren’t sure how much effect each has on gas usage.

Because you have independent variables affecting a dependent variable (the variable that you are interested in), this forecast requires regression. For regression, CB Predictor uses a technique called HyperCasting™, which in one easy step:
因为对因变量影响的有多个自变量,预测的结果需要进行回归。用回归的方法,CB Predictor使用一种叫做HyperCasting的技术:

a. Creates an equation that defines the mathematical relationship between the independent variables and your dependent variable.

b. Forecasts each independent variable using time-series forecasting methods.

c. Uses the equation it created in the first step, combining the forecasted independent variable values, to create the forecast for the dependent variable.

In the Toledo Gas spreadsheet, the dependent variable is the historical residential gas usage. The independent variables are:
•Number of occupancy permits issued (new housing completions)
•Average temperature per month
•Unit cost of natural gas
        允许使用的数量(新房的居住率)
        每个月的平均气温
        天然气的单位成本
To resume your tutorial:

6.Under Step 5, select Use Multiple Linear Regression.
The Regression Variables dialog appears.


图1.12.png (132.3 KB, 下载次数: 51)

Figure 1.12 Regression Variables dialog

Figure 1.12 Regression Variables dialog
7.Confirm that Usage appears in the Dependent Variables list.
If it does not:
•Select Usage in the All Series list.
•Click >> next to the Dependent Variables list.
The Usage variable moves to the Dependent Variables list.

8.Confirm that Occupancy Permits, Average Temperature, and Cost Of Nature Gas Per Ccf appear in the Independent Variables list.
If they do not:
•Select Occupancy Permits, Average Temperature, and Cost Of Natural Gas Per Ccf in the All Series list.
•Click >> next to the Independent Variables list.
The variables move to the Independent Variables list.

9.Click OK.
The Data Attributes tab reappears.

10.Click Next.
The Method Gallery tab appears.

11.Click Next again.
The Results tab appears.

本帖最后由 lanj 于 2009-12-8 09:34 编辑

Selecting results选择结果


图1.13.png (76.47 KB, 下载次数: 40)

Figure 1.13 Results tab, set as described below

Figure 1.13 Results tab, set as described below
本帖最后由 lanj 于 2009-12-8 09:39 编辑

CB Predictor has five ways you can output your results:
CB Predictor 有五种结果输出的方法:

Paste Forecast


Pastes the forecasted values to the end of your historical data.




Graphs historical, fitted, and forecasted data values, and a confidence interval.




Organizes and displays summary information, forecast values and a confidence interval, charts, and method information for any or all of your data series.


Results Table


Creates a table with all the forecasted values, fitted data, and a confidence interval.


Method Table


Creates a table listing all the methods tried, the error values and statistics for each, and the parameters for each.


本帖最后由 lanj 于 2009-12-8 09:47 编辑

Paste Forecast and Charts are the most common results. The other settings provide more detailed output that includes information you might use for presentations or to investigate various forecasting methods.

This tutorial produces more detailed output. To continue with the tutorial:
12.Under Step 7, forecast the monthly usage for the next year by entering 12 in the field.

13.Select the Paste, Report, and Methods Table result settings.

14.In the Title field, type “Toledo Gas Usage Forecast.”
Now, the dialog looks like Figure 1.13 on page 21

15.Click Preferences

The Preferences dialog appears as shown in Figure 1.14.


图1.14.png (58.38 KB, 下载次数: 54)

Figure 1.14 Preferences dialo

Figure 1.14 Preferences dialo
Notice that Paste Forecasts... is checked. This prepares forecasted independent variable data for use as assumptions in Crystal Ball risk analysis simulations.

16.Select the Report tab.
The Report preferences appear.


图1.15.png (69.42 KB, 下载次数: 44)

Figure 1.15 Report Preferences dialog

Figure 1.15 Report Preferences dialog
17.Under Methods, select Three Best from the list and unselect the Parms (Parameters) setting.
This removes the method parameters from the report.

18.Click OK.
The Results tab reappears.

19.Click Preview.
The Preview Forecast dialog appears.

Previewing results对结果进行预览

Before you output results to your spreadsheet, you can preview the forecasted values and the best method selected with the Preview Forecast dialog.
在将结果输出在电子表各前,可以对预测值和最佳方法在Preview Forecast对话框中进行评估。

In the Preview Forecast dialog, you can preview the forecasted values for all the data series and all the methods run for each. After viewing the forecast values for each method, you can also override the selected method to use for the final forecasted values.
在Preview Forecast对话框中,你可以对所有方法和数据得出的预测值进行评估,在查看不同方法得到预测值后,可以得到最后的预测值。


图1.16.png (197.88 KB, 下载次数: 38)

Figure 1.16 Preview Forecast dialog

Figure 1.16 Preview Forecast dialog
To continue with your tutorial:继续会案例进行操作:

20.Select Average Temperature from the Series list in the upper left corner of the Preview Forecast dialog.

Forecasted values appear for Average Temperature. Seasonal Additive is identified as the best-fitting method as in Figure 1.17.


图1.17.png (190.07 KB, 下载次数: 50)

Figure 1.17 Average temperature before Method override

Figure 1.17 Average temperature before Method override
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